GBAC welcomes release of local government funding report
GBAC has welcomed the release of a report by the Victorian Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee (committee) following its Inquiry into Local Government funding and services in Victoria earlier this year.
The Inquiry found rising community infrastructure and service delivery costs are outpacing growth in grant funding with some services being reduced or discontinued as a result.
GBAC has been advocating strongly on key issues raised in its submission to the Inquiry and is pleased to see its recommendations reflected in the final report.
These recommendations address challenges and opportunities related to funding streams, rate capping and cost-shifting.
A key focus of GBAC’s submission was advocating for a rate cap calculation that accurately reflects cost increases.
A revised calculation aligns with the committee’s goal of ensuring the Victorian Government (government) reviews and improves the local government funding framework to diversify income streams and avoid an unsustainable reliance on rates.
GBAC welcomes the opportunity to offer its support as the government reviews the report’s 47 findings and 48 recommendations over the next six months.