GBAC’s priorities


Our transport priorities include:

  • Expanded and improved bus and train services.

  • Upgraded roads.

  • More efficient freight routes.

Regional and rural communities depend on efficient transport connections. However, our region's existing road and public transport networks aren't coping with increased freight and commuter movement due to rapid population growth.

We’re calling for investment in:

  • Priority major transport corridor projects.

  • Next stages of the Western and Midland highways duplications and the Ballarat Link Road.

  • Transport hubs to connect key employment and industrial zones with major highways, airports, ports and key markets.

  • The Ballarat Airport to allow direct flights and other opportunities.

  • High performing regional passenger rail services including services between Ballarat and Geelong.

  • Public bus services.


Our growth priorities include:

  • Attracting new social and affordable housing.

  • Initiating planning law reform.

  • Securing more supporting infrastructure.

Our region is growing quickly, with most of our new residents and workers moving to our regional centres and rural towns from larger urban areas.

However, a lack of upfront investment in infrastructure and long planning times are hindering development and the ability to accommodate growth.

Rapidly growing areas are running out of land for homes and businesses, and there isn’t enough suitable housing. This is leading to workforce shortages that is impacting our economy, especially in rural areas.

We're calling for:

  • Upfront investment in critical infrastructure (water, sewerage, utilities and telecommunications) to service new industrial precincts.

  • Planning reform to fast-track processing times for greenfield and infill residential developments.

  • Revenue from the Windfall Gains Tax retained in the council area it is generated.

  • A review of the Development Contributions Plan (DCP) rates for our region and the introduction of off-the-shelf minimum contributions from developers where DCPs do not exist.

Digital connectivity

Our digital connectivity priority is to:

Ensure mobile broadband coverage is equal to metropolitan areas and able to withstand emergencies.

Accessible and dependable digital connectivity has become crucial for remote work, learning, healthcare education and more. However, current infrastructure is struggling to keep up with the increased demand and is causing unreliable coverage.

We’re calling for investment in:

  • Improved coverage and access across regional and rural areas.

  • Critical infrastructure to service new industrial and commercial precincts.

  • Increased capacity in rapid growth areas to support periods of high demand for businesses (tourism, events, etc.) and households (early evening).

  • A funding stream to roll out digital infrastructure across the region.

We’re an alliance of six municipalities: