GBAC meets with the Minister for Planning
On Wednesday, August 21, the GBAC committee welcomed The Hon Sonya Kilkenny, Minister for Planning, to Ballarat Town Hall to discuss the new Plan for Victoria. GBAC members were also pleased to have Local Members Ms Michael Settle and Ms Juliana Addison, in attendance to support their electorates.
GBAC welcomed the opportunity to discuss with the Minister how state and local governments can work together to deliver on housing targets. The conversation provided an opportunity for the alliance to share with the Minister the challenges the region faces regarding the building of affordable and social housing.
The discussion focused on the region's need for trunk infrastructure improvements, better access to public transport, greater diversity of housing, the importance of protecting the region's amenities and how policy can help make housing more affordable.
As an alliance representing regional and rural Victoria, GBAC is uniquely placed to provide insight into the needs of communities outside of metropolitan Melbourne. The committee welcomes the opportunity to continue working with the Minister for Planning and the State Government to ensure the region achieves best outcomes.